Traditional Worship
Traditional Worship at Starkville FUMC takes place in the sanctuary. During this service, we focus on praising, sharing, proclaiming, and responding. We sing traditional hymns, recite creeds, and pray together to prepare our hearts for the written and spoken word.
Traditional Worship begins at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings.
Our Heart of Worship
In John's Gospel, we read of the prayer and plan which Jesus offers for His followers. The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind so they might be one heart and mind with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (John 17:22-23, The Message).
We are to KNOW God, being of one heart with the Father through the Son
We are to GROW in our relationship with each other, maturing together as the family of Christ
We are to SHOW Jesus to the world, being a witness through who we are and what we do in His name
First time?
What to wear:
Most members dress up a bit more for our traditional service, but we welcome you to wear what you are comfortable in.
Where to park:
Along Lampkin Street, Welch’s Funeral home, FUMC Main Lot
Where to enter:
An usher will welcome you near the sanctuary steps on Lampkin Street
Sunday School
Sunday School starts at 9am. We provide many Sunday School options for people of all ages. Click the button below to find the class that’s right for you!
children in worship
We value the role that children play in our traditional worship service.
Children from 3rd - 6th grade can serve as acolytes during worship.
Children's Time
Children of any age may come down for a special message related to the sermon. After Children's Time, children return to sit with their families for the remainder of the service.
Children's Worship Bags
Activity bags for children are available upon entry to the sanctuary. Please return these bags at the end of the service to be sanitized and restocked.
Nursery care is available for children ages 4 and under during the 10:00 service
Get involved!
On Sunday mornings, you can...
Serve as a greeter or usher
Sing in the choir
Volunteer with the TV & Media Ministry
Help with Sunday School